The Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra

Originally Posted 11 September 2017

I love working with chakras in my yoga classes. Chakras are energy centres in the body. The main ones are aligned along the spine (7 in total) and when they are out of balance - we can either have too much of that particular chakra energy or too little - we might experience physical or emotional symptoms.

Today's post is all about the Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra in Sanskrit. It is located at the base of the spine and is represented by the colour red. It is often considered to be the most important chakra that needs to be aligned in order to be able to work with any chakras that are located above. 

Muladhara Chakra

Let's think of Muladhara as the foundation of a house. If the foundation is unstable then the whole house will be unstable and probably eventually collapse. It's the same with our foundation. This is feeling safe, feeling secure. Feeling connected. Trusting our bodies. 

Signs for Muladhara imbalance:

  • You're daydreaming a lot but don't actually get things done 
  • You feel stuck or disconnected
  • You feel scared and insecure but are not sure why
  • You have difficulties letting go
  • You have difficulties to commit to someone or something

Physical Signs

  • skeletal problems
  • sciatica
  • problems with legs and feet
  • problems with teeth
  • bowel problems

A simple way to work with the Muladhara Chakra could be a walking meditation. Mindfully walking, preferably barefoot either inside or outside and really paying attention to making contact with the ground. In your yoga practice spend some time on opening the hands and feet and focusing on standing postures and really aligning your foundation. 

Muladhara Chakra

  • Colour: Red
  • Sound: LAM
  • Yoga Poses: Childs Pose, Downward Dog, Triangle Pose but really any poses when we focus on our connection with the ground 
  • Mudra: Earth Mudra, ring finger and thumb
  • Yantra: Four Petal Lotus
  • Animal: Elephant symbolising strength

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