Are you ready for potty training?

Originally Posted 16 February 2015
caution: this contains various references to wee and poo so don’t read it while you’re eating.   

Anyone who has ever potty trained a child or is about to potty train their child knows that it’s important to find the right time to start. “Don’t do it before they’re ready” is the main rule! Baby Centre has got a great list of signs when toddlers are ready to be potty trained. But what about the parents?? What if the parents are not ready?

My little one is 2.5 years old and from when she was about 20 months old I started to feel the pressure to start potty training. Not that anyone ever said anything to me, but friends started potty training their children of the same age, family members were successfully potty training their little ones and other family members claimed they were potty trained by the age of 1… And of course my very competitive husband who doesn’t like his child to fall behind in any way (I’ll get in trouble for writing this). 

So we tried it a few times… nappy off, knickers on, sit on the potty… nothing… come off the potty… wee on the floor or in the knickers… Obviously the usual giving praise, jumping up and down when there is the tiniest bit of wee in the potty (which happened once), not getting too upset when there was an accident (which is really hard after the 4th time)! So I gave up after half a day. 

A couple of months later the same thing. She was not even bothered by having wet trousers and knickers so no point, right?

Looking back at it now I think that not only was she not ready but also I wasn’t ready for it! Had I insisted more, she would have probably learned it in a week (military style a la Gina Ford) but it was just easier for me to have her in nappies and not to worry about having a loo nearby when we went out, spare clothes, asking every ten minutes if she needed the loo etc… Baby Leo was only 6 months old, had just started eating solids, I was about to start my teacher training… there were just too many things to do! 

All excuses of course!! I simply wasn’t ready for it! I’m not sure what it was exactly… wait, I think I do know! I hate wee on the floor and even worse is the thought of poo on the floor! I don’t mind nappies at all, it’s poo that looks like poo on the floor, in the bath (happened a few times, including one time when I was in the bath with her) or in the potty! I don’t mind vomit so much either… but I have a big problem with poo!! There… it’s out in the open… does this make me a bad mum? 

6 months later I still don’t like poo but I am ready to face it in the potty… (so is Baby Leo apparently…) My little girl actually asked to go to the potty at the childminder’s last week so I’ve decided to pull myself together and tackle the poo! Having said that she has yet to do one in the potty and so far only 50% of wee wee’s end up in the right place. 

But at least we are both fully committed this time and we will certainly update you on our progress!!  



what is this thing that everyone makes a big fuss about??


my head fits in it perfectly! It must be a hat!!

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  1. I did the mistake of starting too early with my son and it took ages and lots of accidents. This time I am going to wait until my daughter is ready. You are right, the pressure from other parents is always there… in your head – they don’t need to say anything…

  2. Potty Training is messy, I love to read other peoples experiences. We have mastered it with only the odd acccident now, I let my daughter take the lead bought all the relevant things toilet seats, potties but I think she was spurred on by having a big sister that uses the toilet and seeing other children using the potty. 2 years and 2 months is when she just started to go on her own and has done ever since she just wears a nappy for bed now, but as soon as she is up she is ripping it off. All children will do what they want to do and when they are ready to do it.
    Good luck with your potty training and poos 😉

    1. I absolutely agree with you! They will do it when they are ready and there is not much you can do anyway… We are still having poo issues but we are getting there 😉

  3. great post i like reading and hearing about other peoples experiences i think thats what went wrong with my oldest son i started potty training to early on

  4. My grandson is ready for potty training. This is why I’m entering your comp for a ladybird carry potty(which is SO cute).x

  5. *Rewards can be anything you want them to be that gets your child very etexicd. Some its stickers, some its a sweet treat (though many will say don’t do this, this worked for my son on tough days) or a simple high five and praise (also works!)*I suggest starting on the big potty (as they will need to use this eventually) UNLESS he shows fear of the big potty. Then I suggest getting a very simple potty chair.*Have the potty in an area that is easily accessed. Sometimes this is in a play area or downstairs bathroom or hallway.*Start by taking him at least every hour. Some children may need every thirty minutes. After a while, just reminding him will send him running to the potty!*Find some fun books to read and even have his babies/stuffed animals use the potty. Treating them as you would him. Hugs, kisses, etc .*If he is frustrated, forget about it that day and try again later.*Start with sitting down with both pee and poo to avoid confusion. My son is three and now stands up to pee.*Only start with potty training during the day. After that is accomplished work on nap time. Once they are able to hold in their pee/poo for a couple hours then this is the time to work on this. Then bedtime. Night time can be the hardest as they are asleep for long hours.*Try to avoid getting mad when accidents happen. Have him help clean up also*Ditch diapers during the training process (could take a few days to weeks to even months..don’t get discouraged!). He can run around naked or wear big boy underwear. I suggest white underwear that can be bleached, later letting him pick out some once he doing good.*Plastic underwear that go over the cotton underwear work for quick trips out to avoid moisture getting on seats. Keep extra clothes and plastic bag with you*Other wise, let him do this at his own pace and both of you will be happy!References : son is three and 15wks pregnant with #2!

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